“Ronn Spencer, Rhododendron, North Carolina” © 2021 58 inches tall.
Price: $175, shipping included in the price. Simply contact me via my email address at [email protected] or Facebook message me, if you would like to purchase one of my pieces. Payments can be made with Paypal, Venmo or credit card with Square. All pieces are signed with its title, and can be hung from the wall. Love y'all, Stu.
Ronn and I have know each other for over 20 years. He is a exceptional photographer, radio personality and graphic designer. I'm not talking out of school when I say he's been fighting Parkinson's for a very long time, and frankly, has lived longer than any of us expected, including himself. But he doesn't get a wall piece because he's the real deal when it comes to being an artist. He gets a stick because Ronn (and Blake too, his girlfriend) are kind, smart and generous people, in more ways than most people know. Or maybe people in Sante Fe do know. I hope so. I love him dearly and I hope he outlives us all.
I truly adore this man.
Fun fact: The top of this stick looks like Ronn's head or at least it does to me. And this stick has breasts. I know. Most, if not all of my wall pieces don't. Since Ronn is an amazing photographer of nudes and natural beauty, I thought he would like that.
Second fun fact: Ronn, 20 years ago, coined a name for the type of artists both of us are.
"The New Beauticians"
It means that artists like us are looking for beauty in many things; music, images, people, words. The phrase never took off, but I wish it had.
#ronnspencer, #stujenks, #extendedfamilyseries