“Baltazar, Saguaro Rib, Arizona” © Stu Jenks 2020, 76 inches tall.
Price: $395, shipping included in the price. Simply contact me via my email address at [email protected] or Facebook message me, if you would like to purchase one of my pieces. Payments can be made with Paypal, Venmo or credit card with Square. All pieces are signed with its title, and can be hung from the wall. Love y'all, Stu.
Balthazar is one of The Three Wise Men From The East in Jesus' nativity story. He is also a character in my holiday novel, Bathazar & Zeeba. I know. Again, like prior wall pieces named after literary characters, I'm not going to say much, just in case you end up reading the book.
But he is a righteous dude, as you can imagine. And he loves his granddaughter Zeeba very much.
#balthazar, #stujenks, #extendedfamilyseries