I just wrote Obama and Biden about the horrible slaughter of 22,000 Dolphins a year in a small village in Japan. I encourage all of you to rent the film, "The Cove" and to get involved too. Not only is it morally wrong to kill these cousins of Man, but the Japanese are selling the meat on the world market as other types of seafood, and Dolphin meat is extremely high in Mercury. But mostly, it saddens me to no end that this is happening. And the film is Academy Award material, not because of the stunning footage, as much as the journey these brave men and women took to get these images to the world. Go to the above link to "The Cove" website to watch the trailer and get more infomation. You can rent the film on ITunes.
So rent the movie. Be a little active. Dolphins can not send emails or money. They can only try and escape. Or cry and die.