I kind of screwed up. I distributed the PBRC Audiobook to streaming sites as well as purchase sites. A few hundred people have listened to it, thank you very much, but I only get a tuppence a listen. Really. I receive between a third of a cent to 1.3 pennies per play. Oops.
So over the coming days, I'll be upload, a story at a time, the complete Pamela's Baby Rocking Chair audiobook, for free.
Download Track One, The Death of Pamela Jenks, from the PBRC Audiobook
Just click on the highlighted links and you can download the tracks on to your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
And if you like what you hear, feel free to donate to my Paypay account. Simply log in using my email address which is stujenks at G Mail dot com, typed the normal way.
And if you can give more than two pennies, that would be great too.
I hope you enjoy the audiobook. It's sad, then funny, then sweet again.
And if you want to buy the book book, it's at my squareup.com market page.
Or you can get the digital version of the book book on Amazon and on iTunes.
Love, light, and luck,
Download Track One, The Death of Pamela Jenks, from the PBRC Audiobook.