"Hoodoo Gap, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
[Some new images for y'all as we approach the Holidays. By the way, if you want any fine art prints from me, it's best to order them before Dec. 16th. 8.5 x 11s are $40 plus shipping (around $50) and 13 x 19s are $80 plus shipping (around $100). All images on this website are for sale, they're signed, and printed to order. Just give me the title and I'll print them up for you.
Hope your weird uncle Charlie behaved himself at Thanksgiving, and I pray your Christmases and Holidays are filled with wonderful times with family and friends, and many joyous mysteries and blessed certainties.
P.S. I'm having an open house at my studio, where I'll be showing my wall sculpture/walking stick series "The Extended Family." Sunday, December 15th, 2019. Email, message, text or call me for directions.
Ho, ho, ho...
"Signal Hill Blue, Saguaro National Park, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
"Nannie's Mirror, The Grottos, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
Some selected images of mine, from the 2019 All Souls' Procession, Tucson, Arizona (c) 2019 Stu Jenks and MMOS.
"The New Trump Wall, Organ Pipe National Monument, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks. (Yeah, this godawful thing.)
"Dead Saguaro, Organ Pipe National Monument, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
"Pamela's Baby Rocking Chair, Mark Hewitt's Studio, Pittsboro, North Carolina" (c) 2011, re-imaged, 2019 Stu Jenks.
"Hamish Jackson's Mortar, Flame Spiral Studios, Tucson, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
"Bubble Light, Mermaid Ornament, Flame Spiral Studios, Tucson, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
"Black Santa In Front Of A Black Household, On The Street Where My Mother Grew Up, Payton Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia" (c) 2011, 2019 Stu Jenks.