“Mackenzie Scott, Red Oak, North Carolina” © Stu Jenks 2021 55 inches tall.
Price: $150, shipping included in the price. Simply contact me via my email address at [email protected] or Facebook message me, if you would like to purchase one of my pieces. Payments can be made with Paypal, Venmo or credit card with Square. All pieces are signed with its title, and can be hung from the wall. Love y'all, Stu.
Mackenzie Scott is the ex-wife of Jeff Bezos, aka Lex Luthor. When she divorced that selfish prick in 2019, she got $35 billion. As of the first of 2021, she is worth an estimated $62 billion.
But in 2020, she did a wonderful thing. She gave over $4 billion to 384 charitable organizations, such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, native american and people of color charities, and historically blacks colleges and universities that have been hit hardest by COVID-19. Basically, she gave them all a year's budget and is willing to give them more. She has stated that she wishes to give away her money as quickly as possible.
"We are identifying organizations with strong leadership teams and results, with special attention to those operating in communities facing high projected food insecurity, high measures of racial inequity, high local poverty rates, and low access to philanthropic capital," she stated.
Sure, many super wealthy people are profound assholes living in the land of sociopathy, but not all. Not Mackenzie Scott.
God bless you, Ms. Scott.
#mackenziescott, #stujenks, #extendedfamilyseries