“Courtney Saum/Donald Trump, Saguaro Rib, Arizona” 57 inches tall, © Stu Jenks 2019
Price: $150 ($1000.00 to a registered Republican who voted for Trump), shipping included in the price. Simply contact me via my email address at [email protected] or Facebook message me, if you would like to purchase one of my pieces. Payments can be made with Paypal, Venmo or credit card with Square. All pieces are signed with its title, and can be hung from the wall. Love y'all, Stu.
I was initially going to name this piece ‘Donald Trump', but I had an uncle who was just like Trump: old, white, bigoted, racist, sexist, small-minded, mean, entitled.
Courtney Saum was an embarrassment to my mother Mary for most of her adult life. My father Stuart wouldn’t even let Courtney in our house, due to his behavior when both men were younger. I visited Courtney every so often the last few years of his life in a Silver City, New Mexico nursing home. I found him fun at times, until that one afternoon when he rudely blamed President Barack Obama for all the ills of his world, admitting ‘I don’t like having a nigger tell me what to do.’ We had serious words at that point. I don't believe I visited him again after that, but I did attend his eventual funeral in Silver City. I did that more for my cousin Becky than I did for any pleasant memory of him.
Courtney Saum was my fucked-up weird-ass hateful uncle. President Donald Trump was 325 million Americans’ fucked-up weird-ass hateful uncle for four years. They were cut from the same cloth. Countney and Donald were part of my extended family, whether I liked them or not.
#countneysaum, #donaldtrump, #stujenks, #extendedfamilyseries