"Rainbow Virga Over The Catalinas, Tucson, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
Some new images are in the post, some old and a couple of my beautiful wife, just because. And yes, in the summer, it rains in Tucson and if we are lucky, we see rainbows.
"Alexa Jenks at Sunset at my Casita, Tucson, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
It hurts to be temporarily away from my sweet wife. She lives in North Carolina, but I have to make a living and so does she. Just the way it is for now. But I'm grateful beyond words that I got to spend a week with her at my little casita here in the Tucson Mountains. Love you madly, baby.
"Catalina State Park, Arizona" (The Ikon) (c) 1998, 2019 Stu Jenks.
An old image that I recently fiddled with, using new technology. Originally printed in a chemical darkroom.
"Three Spirals, Three Stones, Avebury, England" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
Was clearing up some space on an old hard-drive and I found this RAW file. Made it all fancy and new and spiritual and shit. A magical night on the plains of England in 2013.
"White Sandstone Hoop Dance, Coalmine Canyon, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
Nope. I wasn't in any danger of falling while photographing this. Not really. But my tripod bag blew over the edge into a hole that night. I thought of climbing down to get it, then realized I may not get back out. One of my rules: Don't die dumb.
"Old Meg, Scorhill Stone Circle, Chagford, England" (c) 2013, 2019 Stu Jenks.
Got lost in the fog that day. Found my way home but it was a little tricky. Another rule: Don't wander on the moors when it's fog as shit.
"Little Man at The Singing Rocks, Ironwood Forest National Monument, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
Bad road of mud and sand. A long hike from the truck, but worth it to see this little man petroglyph and a Gila Monster off to my left. The pudgy little fellow ran away before I could take a photo of him. Gila Monsters are fast.
"Smoking Pot On The Railroad Tracks, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina" (c) 2018 Stu Jenks.
These students are too far away to identify, which is exacted what I wanted. Don't want to get anymore in trouble. Marijuana is illegal in North Carolina, don't you know. I just thought it was a sweet photo of an activity I used to do. Hmm. How many times did I do drugs along the railroad tracks? A lot.
"Becca Painting, East Of Downtown LA, California" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
I used to hate LA with its traffic but no more. It's the land of 1000 villages. You just have plan your visits to the villages. Highland Park is one of my favorites, and Downtown LA too. This image makes me said. Not sure why. I hope Becca is OK.
"Rainbow In Mist, Iceland" (c) 2019 Alexis Helms.
One of my favorite young emerging photographers is Alexis Helms from Raleigh, North Carolina. She has chops. And I feel blessed to call her my friend. Keep seeing, Alexis. Keep shooting.
"Pamela's Baby Rocking Chair, The Arizona Trail, Oracle, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
I still take the PBRC out and about. It was a lovely little hike last weekend. Good place to watch the light fade. RIP Pamela, Mary and Stuart Jenks.
And if you are interested, there are two Pamela's Baby Rocking Chair books out there: Pamela's Baby Rocking Chair (The Deaths of Pamela and Mary Jenks), Fezziwig Press, 2013 and Cherry Picking Leviticus, Fezziwig Press, 2018. You can purchase them at the usual places online or from me at www.stujenks.org.
"Sta. Rosa de Lima, Nogales, Sonora, Mexico" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
A few times a year I travel an hour south to Mexico, to get my teeth cleaned, to buy my medications for half price and to pray at this humble Catholic church a few hundred yards south of the border. I love Mexico and its people. They remind me of my southern brethren: Polite, kind, humorous and religious. Via con Dios. Go with God.
"Wooden Cross On A Hill, The Old Sonoita Highway, Arizona" (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
Another place I go to pray. I tell people often that you don't have to believe in a God to pray. Just think loving thoughts about the people you cherish, and maybe throw in a few prayers toward the people you have problems with. I can promise you, you'll feel better for it.
"Above the Saguaros, A Hill South of Gate's Pass, Tucson Mountains, Arizona." (c) 2019 Stu Jenks.
We don't really need another photograph of saguaros in the world, but the light was awfully nice yesterday, the angle was great and yes, they are kind of magical plants, aren't they. Fun Fact: I first hiked to this spot in December, 1982, soon after moving to Tucson from North Carolina. Yep. That's almost 37 years ago. I was 28 I think. I'm 64 now. And not much has changed, at all, on the primitive trail heading up to this hill. Most people go across the road, to walk, kiss, screw, drink, and lollygag about. Not over here, and that makes me happy. I try to find gratitude in many things, both big and small. This is both a big and a small blessing to me, the peace and beauty of this place.
Love, light and luck, y'all. Keep the faith, however you do that, and keep your lamp trimmed and burning. Your light in the world matters. More than you know.