An anonymous friend of mine has asked me to report on this big change to the Greensboro 12-Step recovery community.
CA is now in Greensboro, North Carolina, for the first time.
Starting two days ago, there is now a Cocaine Anonymous (CA) 12 Step meeting in Greensboro. The name of the meeting is Cocanuts East. It is held every Thursday night, from 7:30 - 8:30, at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at 607 N. Greene Street, north of Downtown. It is an open meeting of Cocaine Anonymous. All are welcome, addicts and alcoholics alike. Please enter the church at the western lobby door, and then take the stairs or the elevator to the top (3rd) floor. The meeting is in a room at the top of the stairs.
CA is not a drug-specific program, even though it may sound like it from its name. CA members are free from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances, including alcohol and marijuana. They use the Big Book and the 12 and 12 of Alcoholics Anonymous, with AA's permission, as their guides to recovery.
Again, my friend says all are welcome. As Cocaine Anonymous' slogan says: "We're here and we're free."
For more information, call 520-343-5596. My anonymous friend appreciates it.