Images from top to bottom: "The Wall, West Of Naco, Montezuma Pass, Coronado National Monument, Arizona", "The Digital Wall, Montezuma Pass, Arizona" & "Trump Pinata, Tucson, Arizona" (c) 2017 Stu Jenks.
There are already physical walls on the border. Lots of them. Also, The U.S. Border Patrol has very advanced digital monitoring systems all up and down the Arizona border. They have for years. I talked briefly with a couple of the officers yesterday and thanked them. I'm a progressive Democrat but I greatly appreciate the work these men and women do.
But I can only imagine what some of them must feel when they hear what Trump, their future boss, said in his press conference today, that the border is wide open, a complete mess, a disaster.
It is not wide open. Hasn't been for a long time. It is not a disaster.
You will be seeing more politic posts from me on Facebook, and on my website in the future. I really don't care if it affects the sale of my work. Fuck it. (By the way, I've closed my Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr accounts. Can't stand those platforms.)
I'm going back to Virginia and North Carolina next week to visit with friends and to see an ailing family member. (Say a prayer for Victoria and the Hardy family.) I'll also be in Washington, D.C. either on Inauguration Day or the day after. Plan is the visit the new African American Museum. Not sure yet which day I'll be there. Depends on a number of things. I'll keep you posted.
Lastly for today, I watched both Trump press conference and Obama farewell address this morning. I wonder what my British and Canadian friends must think, seeing the stark contrast between those two presentations. How could we go so wrong in our election, they must think?
Well, I can only speculate. And coulda, woulda, shoulda, we are long past that now. Donald Trump will be our President a week from Friday. I did predict Trump winning the nomination back on the Summer of 2015, but I didn't see him winning the general.
And I have another prediction today.
Trump will either be impeached or removed from office, probably in two years time if not sooner. It will take time to build a case against him either for mental instability or for corruption, using his influence with foreign governments to line his own pockets and that of his children. If things go south economically, and the Republicans get creamed in the midterms, look for President Pence in 2019.
But I could be dead wrong. Worse things could happen.
Trump will start a war, perhaps using small or large nuclear weapons, and what I write on my blog or on Facebook won't really matter very much.
Or there is this.
The percentage of the American people who support Trump and the Republicans (It's really only about 30% of all adults in America.) will continue to be misinformed at best or blatantly incurious and dumb at worse, blaming whatever bad things that happen on Obama or Clinton or whatever paper tiger they come up with. And about 10-20% of Americans are perfectly happy with a bully, a narcissist, a crazy man as President. (I heard people laughing in the room at the Trump press conference today when he was rude, obnoxious and insulting to reporters. He actually brought in Trump supporters to a press conference to mock the journalists.) Some Americans love this guy. He truly represents them. That is a fact. So things will get worse and the conservative media will gas-lighting the living shit out of it. And many people will believe the sky is blue when it is really black.
Enjoy my factual photos of how the Arizona/Mexico border is actually quite secured.
And pray for all of us.
And for Peter's sake, people, vote in the mid-terms in 2018. We can roll back this shit.
Unless Trump kills us all.