"Holy, Holy, Holy: St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Cheyenne, Wyoming" (c) 2013 Stu Jenks & St. Mark's Episcopal, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
From the desk of Wanda Hughes, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
appears that this is a depiction of an angel. The stained glass window
is titled Holy, Holy, Holy and is in memory of Sarah E. Pierce
who died August 24th, 1888. Mrs. Pierce was a popular music teacher.
Her students and friends had a benefit musical to raise money for this
memorial to her. It features an angel singing. The maker was Cox Sons
Buckley, London & New York."
From the desk of me, Stu Jenks, Fezziwig Press, Tucson, Arizona
"I'm going to take this a step further. This angel is Sarah Pierce, the beloved music teacher. The cherubs above her head represent her students. What a wonderful way to be remembered throughout time: as a musical angel in stained glass at a frontier church. If only we all could be so lucky. And thanks to Greta Ward and a friend of hers for contacting St. Mark's to get this information. I have a call into them as well to thank them. Stunning glass. Stunning church."