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July 18, 2012


Shawn Peterson

This turned out great Stu....I see a little noise on the horizon but that can get cleaned up with some luminance slider work and try out D-Fine from NIK....i'll email you the links.

This would have been pretty awesome to see in person I think....

Leslie Ann Epperson

Its a gorgeous shot Stu--I love your work. and have decided when I get a few bucks, I am going to get a series of your spirals--I cant decide on just one. Where is this place? I want to go!

PS check out the POV online "City Dark" its gorgeous and replete with many night skies. and it has inspired a bunch of ideas for my film.

teenage mutant ninja turtle

I also eye to eye with you that Growler Mountains sooth to say growl. it's correct that the Milky Way was unbelievably glaring as well as prodigious last night. thanks for this sharing.

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